
NAME:.. ……….Ross Coulter Artist
CONTACT: …….Ross sadly passed away 5th Nov 2011
POSTAL: ……….as above
PHONE: ………..
MOBILE: ……….
EMAIL: ………….N/A
A friend always to Emu Park and Emu Park Online
WEBSITE: ………www.rosscoutlermemorial.com
Google Earth Co-ordinates:
ROSS SADLY PASSED AWAY 5th November 2011
R.I.P Ross. A friend always to Emu Park and Emu Park Online
Memorial Tribute Website for Ross Coulter … Click Here ….

Emu Park artist and former serviceman Ross Coulter visited the World War 1 battlefields in France and Belgium in 2003. He lived there for six
weeks while he photographed, painted and recorded in drawing and text his experiences and emotions.
His trip has reinforced his awareness of the sacrifice made by the 60,000 Australians whose names are engraved on gravestones and monuments from
battlefields like Pozieres, Mouquet Farm, Somme River, Bullecourt, Fromelle and the Ypres Salient.
The original art works from this visit have been made into an exhibition of 23 watercolours and drawings called “Snippets from the Western Front”.
Each art work is accompanied by text and photographs explaining its significance. Many of the works show snippets not usually seen and are a good
motivation to further research.
Of the Exhibition Ann Cooms wrote for “The Morning Bulletin” newspaper ………….. “The pressing interest lies in Coulter’s art, his choice of medium and his selection of places, objects, buildings, sculptures and memorials which tell the story of this war. Stark pencil sketches echo the personal nature of the tragedy, as well as heroic nonchalance and a grasp for meaning.
Visit our Website www.rosscoutlermemorial.com

These sketches take us from the Death Cells of Belgium, to the cocky slouch hat and serious demeanour of a young Aussie soldier, and then to the mute sculptures which haunt a village cemetery containing a mass grave of thousands of unidentified German soldiers.
One sketch reproduces a stunning sculpture – the stopped forms of sorrowing parents – an artistic portrayal of universal grief, as relevant to today’s road toll as to yesterday’s wars. “ ……..(see thumbnail pic to right)
You will find the exhibition will transport you to far off places of a time long past and will stir your emotions with little stories whose significance
still has relevance today.
This exhibition is available for rent and display by RSL Clubs, Service Clubs, Schools, Public and Private Galleries. The artist may also be available
to talk at any official gallery opening or to primary and high school students.
On application you will be supplied with a CD of the exhibition and costs and conditions of rental. The rental price may be negotiable.
The Location of our Local Art Gallery

And please don’t forget to tell our wonderful Gold Listers that you found them on Emu Park Online. TIA