
NAME:.. ……….Mary Immaculate Church Emu Park
CONTACT: …….Church Office
LOCATION: ……Archer Street, Emu Park, (Qld) 4710
POSTAL: ……….P:O Box 64, Yeppoon, (Qld) 4703
PHONE: ………..(07) 49 336 171
EMAIL: ………….Email The Church
WEBSITE: ………www.yeppoon.com/catholic/
Google Earth Co-ordinates: 23°15’26.29″S, 150°49’30.01″E

The Mary Immaculate Church of Emu Park holds Mass at 7:00am each Sunday Morning

Mary Immaculate Prayer Group meets every Monday morning at 10am.
Their morning is concluded with a cuppa.
Visit our Website www.yeppoon.com/catholic/

You can contact the Church on (07) 49 336 171
Our Location

And please don’t forget to tell our wonderful Gold Listers that you found them on Emu Park Online. TIA