NAME:.. ……….Liberty Swing (Disability Swing)
LOCATION: ……In Bell Park (Pattison Street side) next to the Emu Park Swimming Pool. You can access the carpark via the entry opposite the Emu Park Police Station.
The Emu Park Liberty Swing was officially opened on the 9th August 2012 and came about through the fantastic efforts of Variety, The Iwasaki Foundation,
Bendigo Bank, Rotary Yeppoon and the Rockhampton Regional Council. (our council at the time). The Liberty Swing can be found just north of the
Don Ireland Swimming Pool Emu Park and has great access via the car park area.

History of the Swing. Opened Thursday the 9th August 2012 – (Extract from the Variety Bash August 2012) Emu Park Liberty Swing has been a project supported
by Greg Wilson and David Murray of car 111, The Iwasaki Foundation, Bendigo Bank, Rotary Yeppoon and the Rockhampton Regional Council. On Thursday
9 August a fantastic crowd of bashers enjoyed a wonderful breakfast hosted by Rotary at Bell Park and officially handed the key to Ted Mitani from
The Iwasaki Foundation and declared the swing open. Gorgeous ten year old Jaz Hedges was first to sample the delight of swinging through the air
and her beaming smile warmed many a bashers heart. A perfect reminder of who benefits from all their hard fundraising work.
Our Location