
NAME:.. ……….Four Paws Adoption and Education
CONTACT: …….The Friendly Team
LOCATION: ……Operating on the Capricorn Coast
POSTAL: ……….P.O.Box 922, Yeppoon Qld 4703
PHONE: ………..0478 032 910
MOBILE: ……….
EMAIL: ………….Email Four Paws
WEBSITE: ………www.fourpaws.org.au
Google Earth Co-ordinates:

Four Paws Adoption and Education Inc.
A Not for Profit Animal Welfare charity
Call: 0478 032 910
A Not for Profit Animal Welfare charity whose principal activity is providing short-term direct care of animals as well as rehabilitating animals that
are orphaned, sick or injured.

This care and rehabilitation covers a broad range of activities including: veterinary services for animals’ injuries, illnesses and recovery which
may include surgery, general and parasite prophylaxis, first aid and transport of injured animals, washing and grooming lost animals, feeding and
sheltering animals in the short term while new homes are found.
Our activities also include: Speaking on behalf of companion animals that have become a part of our daily lives and a very important part of our
community. Encouraging respect, understanding and compassion in the community for the plight of surrendered, lost and unwanted pets. Initiating
animal welfare education programs in our schools and community. Actively promoting the permanent adoption of displaced animals within the community.
Visit our Website www.fourpaws.org.au

Call now on 0478 032 910
And don’t forget to mention that you saw this page on E.P Online

And please don’t forget to tell our wonderful Gold Listers that you found them on Emu Park Online. TIA