
NAME:.. ……….Capricorn Coast Mallet Sports Club
CONTACT: …….Secretary: Lyn Christiansen
LOCATION: ……24 Bowls Street, Yeppoon QLD 4703
POSTAL: ……….As Above
PHONE: ………..(07) 4939 6489
EMAIL: ………….ccmsc@croquetqld.org
Club Captain: –
WEBSITE: ………capricorn-coast-mallet-sports-club
Google Earth Co-ordinates:
The Club is located at 24 Bowls Street. Yeppoon. – There are 4 full size courts and modern facilities. Facilities are available for persons in wheel
chairs. There is plenty of onsite parking. You will find us on the northern side of the Bowls Club.
The club provides both social and competitive games for members. Visitors are always welcome.
Capricorn Coast Mallet Sports Club runs several tournaments each year including the Yeppoon Lions Club Pinefest Shield on the second weekend in October.
This is an Interclub fun day. Our members also participate in Central Queensland Regional events including Pennants, the Gladstone Easter tournament.
the Capricornia Ricochet Doubles’ Tournament and the Eva Moore Golf Tournament.
Visit our Website capricorn-coast-mallet-sports-club

Visiting Registered players –
Our Club welcomes visitors to play Mallet Sports on Wednesday and Saturday mornings.
Play commences at 8:00 am all throughout the year.
Please register for play 15 minutes prior to start time.
Green fees are $6.00 per morning for registered players. Free use of mallets is included.
Call now on (07) 4939 6489
Our Location

And please don’t forget to tell our wonderful Gold Listers that you found them on Emu Park Online. TIA