Emu Park Online Whats On is a FREE SERVICE for the information of the Community and Visitors to Emu Park and to this website.
Conditions apply to having your requested listing approved and the final decision is solely up to EPOL Management. …. ( NOTE: Businesses might consider obtaining a GOLD LISTING with EPOL
- as this service if for Not For Profit Groups – just click on the link for details and the benefits of having a GOLD EPOL listing) EPOL encourages you to promote your local event with us.
To do so you must complete and submit the email form.
NOTE: There are certain fields within the form that must be completed before the system will allow your email submission
to progress and be considered.(and some to counter the Spammers) …
HANDY HINT #1 – In the form you will be required to detail your events Description and Details for Listing – – (NOTE: must inc. Event Title, where, when, costs, etc) … May I suggest you have this pre typed (ie on Notepad program) and just copy and paste into the “Event Description” field in the form
If you are not sure or have any enquiries just call …
Jeff on (07) 49 396 587
… or …
Rob on 0418 723 882